Romanian Astronomical Journal

  • About
  • Editorial board
  • Ethics
  • Notice to authors
  • Scientometry
  • Volumes
  • Contacts
  • Updated Scientometric Ranks


    Romanian Astronomical Journal is in WoS (December 2023)
    Journal Citation Factor = 0.5 (average on five years)
    Journal Citation Factor = 0.8 (in 2023)
    Journal Citation Index = 0.12


    Indexing information

    Romanian Astronomical Journal is indexed in :

    Scopus Database  

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (Boston, USA)

    Academic Google
    ISI Impact Factor
    Scimago Journal and Country Rank



    A general guide for Romanian Astronomical Journal can be downloaded here.

    ISSN (print) 1220-5168                                                            ISSN (online) 2285-3758 /2012