On March 31, 2024, Romania will switch to Daylight Saving Time, and the clocks will be set forward by one hour. This means that Romania's time will be 3 hours ahead of Universal Time (GMT). Thus, 3:00 AM will become 4:00 AM, a change that follows the transition to Standard Time last autumn.
After the spring equinox on March 20, 2024, when day and night are equal in length, the day will gradually get longer and the night shorter. By adopting the Daylight Saving Time system, people's daily schedule can benefit from more natural daylight, which is an important element that helps facilitate socio-economic activities. As a result, there is a significant reduction in electricity consumption needed for artificial lighting, and consequently, less pollution produced to generate it. Some economic activities, such as trade and services, are carried out more efficiently due to the extended daylight hours. There are also fewer road incidents, and crime rates tend to be lower.
In recent years, there has been a debate within the European Union authorities about abolishing the Daylight Saving Time system, but so far, the Romanian Parliament has rejected this initiative.
Published on: Mar 27, 2024