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June 30, 2023, Asteroid Day - Open Door Day at the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

On June 30, 2023, the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest Astronomical Observatory, will organize an Open Door Day to celebrate the global event Asteroid Day.

Located near Carol I Park in Bucharest, at 5 Cuțitul de Argint Street, Sector 4, the Astronomical Institute will host this event between 10:00 and 18:00. Public access is free but will require prior registration via email at, within available time slots, until the maximum number of visitors that can be accommodated at the IAAR park for this event is reached.

The guided tours will include: a visit to the interior of the Equatorial Dome, which houses the largest telescope in the country - the Prin-Merz astrogaph; the Meridian Room, which hosts numerous spectacular and unique scientific instruments in Romania; educational presentations and activities with audio-video support in the Planetarium Hall and Planetarium Room; a tour of the Astronomical Institute park among the domes of Romanian astronomy, and the iconic Bosianu Villa, which has played an important role in national history.

In the roundabout in front of the Sun Building, visitors will have the opportunity, depending on weather conditions, to observe our neighboring star, the Sun, through scientific instruments equipped with proper filters.

Professional astronomers from Romania, prominent Romanian personalities in science, as well as educators and other members of the Astronomical Institute team, will meet with the public. As usual, during Open Door Day at the Astronomical Institute, memorable photos, videos, countless questions, and good cheer will be in abundance. We warmly invite you to join us and discover the story of over a century and a half of modern Romanian astronomy and one of the most dynamic fields of scientific research in our country.

Published on: Jun 19, 2023

June 30, 2023, Asteroid Day - Open Door Day at the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

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