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Moon Day 2024 at the Astronomical Institute: Dr. Ruxandra Toma talks about the Moon

Dr. Ruxandra Toma chose astronomy out of her childhood passion for stars and her desire to better understand the splendid complexity of the Universe through its governing laws. A dedicated professional in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, Ruxandra earned a scholarship and later obtained her doctoral degree at Queen's University Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK). She returned to Romania to contribute to the efforts of Romanian scientific research in this "science of sciences," astronomy, with her sharp intellect and tireless work ethic. Her expertise in variable stars and time-domain astrophysics research has added significant value to the dynamic scientific research team at the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy.

On the occasion of the celebration of the Moon Landing, marking humanity's first steps on the Moon (July 20, 1969), Dr. Toma shares, in a brief video presentation for the general public, well-known and lesser-known facts about our closest cosmic neighbor.

Download the recording from here

Published on: Jul 19, 2024

Dr. Ruxandra Toma, Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy

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