Tuesday, 31st of May 2022, H.E. Mr. Rahul Shrivastava, the Ambassador of India in Romania, Republic of Moldova and Albania visited the headquarters of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest. He was welcomed by our Director Dr. Mirel Bîrlan and by a multidisciplinary team of AIRA members, which also included Dr. Alin Nedelcu, Dr. Diana Ionescu, Dr. Mark Rushton and Sorin Marin. Having a focus on the scientific cooperation between Romania and India in the specific fields of astronomy, astrophysics and the related sciences, the discussions affirmed the mutual interest and potential for a dynamic bilateral scientific agenda, to be followed at a national and international level. The scientific cooperation of the Romanian astronomers with their Indian counterparts of Kolkata, was also remembered during the talks as one of the foundation blocks upon which to continue building the next level of scientific partnership between our two nations.
During the visit, H.E. Mr. Rahul Shrivastava had a guided tour in our 3 Ha. scientific and educational park in Bucharest, and was presented in brief its main buildings, instruments as well as our scientific history of almost two centuries in this particular place of Bucharest. Walking of the foot steps of the first monarch of modern Romania, prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, who was present here on the same property back in the XIXth C., H.E. the Ambassador of India in Romania visited the Bosianu House. In this building, the details of the 1859 Union between Moldova and Wallachia were set, which led to the creation of the modern Romanian state, a long dreamed, visionary achievement of many generations of Romanians and the nucleus of the Great Union of Romania on the 1st of December 1918.
Published on: Jun 06, 2022