dr. Ana Catalina Plesa "Interior Dynamics of Rocky Planets and Icy Moons: The Case of Mars and Europa" pdf.
dr. Mireia Leon-Dasi "The surface of Mercury: using deep learning to explore its challenging flat spectra" pdf.
dr. Alina Donea "An ultrasound scan of Large Sunspots, from birth to death" .
dr. Octavian Postăvaru "The emission mechanism of gamma-ray bursts from supernovae" pdf.
dr. Abbas Raboonik "Exact Nonlinear Decomposition of Ideal-MHD Waves Using Eigenenergies" pdf.
dr. Patrick Shober "Deciphering Meteorite Pathways in the Solar System" pdf.
dr. Dmitrii Vavilov "Partial Banana Mapping: impact probability estimation and precovery of asteroids" pdf.
dr. Giovanni Poggiali "MMX mission to Mars" pdf.
dr. Eugen Pavel "Applications of Type I diffracted photons in astronomical imaging" pdf.
dr. Radu Ionicioiu "The second quantum revolution: an opportunity for astronomy" pdf.
dr. Marjorie Galinier "GAIA asteroid spectra" pdf.
dr. Eugen Radu "Black holes, scalar fields and no-hair conjecture" pdf.
dr. Aurelia Pășcuț "When Galaxy Clusters Collide" pdf.
dr. Rositsa Miteva "Solar activity and space weather research in Bulgaria" pdf.
dr. Richard P Binzel "Asteroid Exploration: From Telescopic Discovery to Spacecraft Investigation" pdf.
dr. Haris Haralambous "Ionospheric remote sensing techniques and their complementary strengths" pdf.
dr. Anita Heward "Europlanet – Opportunities for the Romanian Astronomical Community" pdf.
dr. Jeff Hodgson "Cosmological QUOKKAS - Quasar Observations on the KVN from Korea to Australia and South Africa" pdf.
dr. Diana Dragomir "The TESS Mission Reaches for Cooler Planets" pdf.
dr. Tudor Vartolomei "Proper Elements for Space Debris and Applications" pdf.
dr. Octavian Postăvaru "A Fibonacci-like universe expansion on time-scale" pdf.
drd. Sébastien Verkercke "Effects of the Lunar Regolith Structure and of the Solar Wind Properties on the Backscattered Energetic Neutral Atoms Flux" .
drd. Marcelo De Cicco "A brief overview of Earth-grazing Fireballs" pdf.
dr. Marcel Popescu "Discovery and physical characterization as the first response to a potential asteroid collision: The case of 2023 DZ2" .
dr. Marilena Mirela "Eruptions observed by EUI/FSI instrument onboard Solar Orbiter" pdf.
dr. Andrei Zhukov "ASPIICS, a Giant Coronagraph Onboard the PROBA-3 Mission" pdf.
Cmdr Vasile Chirilă "Astronavigația: de la gnomon și astrolab la sextantul Apollo" pdf.
drd. Florin Constantin "Computing the Ionospheric Total Electron Content: from data to products" pdf.
dr. Alin Răzan Paraschiv "On inverting solar coronal vector magnetic fields from infrared observations" pdf.
dr. Iharka Szucs-Csillik "Numerical integrators in dynamical astronomy: an overview" pdf.
dr. Ana Caramete "Low-Latency Pipelines for LISA Mission – A Deep Learning Approach" pdf.
drd. Sorin Marin "A historical timeline of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy" pdf.
drd. Livia Ionescu "A Multi-Spacecraft Strategy for the Capture of Near-Earth Asteroids" pdf.
Octavian Blagoi "Solar radio emissions observed at Bucharest CALLISTO Station in 2022" pdf.
dr. Mădălina Tudorache "Galaxy properties in the filaments of the cosmic web" pdf.
drd. Sanghita Chandra "Persistence of Weak Magnetic Cycles During Solar Grand Minima Episodes" pdf.
dr. Sabina Răducan "First results after the DART impact with the asteroid Dimorphos" .
dr. Durgesh Tripathi "The Aditya-L1 mission of the Indian Space Science Research Organisation (ISRO)" .
drd. Teodora Mihăilescu "Plasma composition in solar active regions" pdf.
dr. Laurențiu Caramete "LISA Mission: General Presentation and Romanian Contributions" pdf.
dr. Alexander Mazhaev "Observations of Selected Man-Made Objects with Ukraine Network of Optical Stations and Obtained Results in 2012 – 2022 Years" pdf.
dr. Anton Pomazan "Follow up fast moving NEAs using rotating drift scan CCD technique in Ukraine and China" pdf.
Vanessa Mercea "A Machine Learning Approach for Automated Sunquake Detection" pdf.
dr. Alina Donea "HEXMAP a mathematical algorithm for magneto-helioseismology and far-side magnetic predictions" pdf.
dr. Gabriela Blaga "Stochastic processes in Astrophysics and Cosmology" pdf.
dr. Marius Echim "Auroras - a manifestation of solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere couplings in planetary plasma environments"
dr. Randa Asad "Observational Studies of the Chemical Enrichment History of Galaxies" pdf.
dr. Elena Dobrică "Focus on the latest Hayabusa2 samples from asteroid Ryugu" .
dr. Dana Ficuț-Vicaș "ExoWorld Walk in the botanical garden of Cluj-Napoca", pdf.
dr. Alina Istrate "On formation and evolution of extremely-low mass white dwarfs", pdf.
dr. Adrian Bruno Șonka "Rotational periods of resonant minor planets", pdf.
dr. Crisan Demetrescu "Long- and short-term responses of the heliosphere-magnetosphere environment to solar activity variations", pdf.
dr. Diana Beșliu-Ionescu "HSS Catalogue and prediction of their geoeffectiveness", pdf.
dr. Pierre Vernazza "Constraints on the formation and evolution of the largest main belt asteroids", pdf.
dr. Ruxandra Toma, "Short Period Variable Stars in the OmegaWhite Survey", pdf.
dr. Ana-Maria Adriana Piso, "Origins of Gas Giant Compositions: The Role of Disk Location and Dynamics", pdf.
drd. Simon Anghel, "Meteoroids impacting the atmosphere : How can we measure them?", pdf.
Dr. Raluca Ilie "Using Nitrogen Ions as Tracers for Current and Past Atmospheric Loss", .
Dr. Mark Rushton "Luminous Red Novae", pdf, light echo movie.
Dr. Phillip Judge "The Sun, stars, and evolution of life", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Ovidiu Teșileanu "Extreme Light and the Dark Matter", presentation (pdf).
Andreea Pricopi "Predicția geoefectivității ejecțiilor coronale de masă folosind algoritmi de învățare automată", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Andreea Font "Understanding the formation of the Milky Way in a cosmological context: how unique is our Galaxy", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Dibyendu Nandi "The Sunspot Cycle: From Understanding to Forecasting", presentation (pdf).
Toma Bădescu "Millimeter Hydrogen Recombination Lines as a Tracer of Extragalactic Star Formation", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Marilena Mierlă "Long-term Evolution of the Solar Corona Using PROBA2 Data", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Alin Răzvan Paraschiv, "Observații Spectrale, Polarimetrice, și Modelări Analitice ale Coroanei Solare: I, Geyseri coronali; II, Inversii de câmp magnetic coronal", presentation (pdf). Movies are available in order movie 1, movie 2, movie 3.
Alexandra Botnariuc, "Impactul variabilității stelare asupra aspectului observațional al discurilor protoplanetare", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Daniela Adriana Lăcătuș, "Cromosfera solară dezvăluită prin spectroscopie", presentation (pdf) Movies are available in order movie 1, movie 2, movie 3, movie 4.
Dr. Radu Dan Căpitan "Crater Evolution and Entropy. A Martian chronicle on current and ongoing missions' locations", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Mirel Birlan, IMCCE, AIRA, "Statistica meteorilor din baza de date FRIPON", presentation (pdf).
Dr. Ilia Roussev, "Multi Messenger Astrophysics", presentation (pdf).
Our institute is pleased to announce the public defence of L. Dumitru's PhD Thesis: Study of the Helicity in Solar Active Regions
Sandor Kruk, ESA Research Fellow, Directorate of Science, ESTEC: "From galaxies to asteroids: citizen science and image classification in the era of Big Data"
Dr. Alina Donea, Monash Centre for Astrophysics, Monash University, Waves and Solar Flares seismology from the photosphere to Corona
Dr. Radu Dan Capitan, Department of Earth Sciences, Western Ontario University Canada, Directii de cercetare planetologica in cadrul observatiilor orbitale si in situ ale planetei Marte.