
Viewpoints in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences

The international conference “Viewpoints in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences, 28-29 October 2021, was held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The organizers of this scientific event were the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy and “Babeș-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science & Faculty of Physics.

The event gathered scientists from Romania and other countries such as France, Germany, United States, China and Belgium. The topics presented covered a wide range of subjects in the specific research areas and involved cutting-edge hardware and software technologies and advanced theoretical interpretation.

The conference programme can be downloaded here.

New Horizons in Space and Planetary Science

The international conference on Astronomy and Space Science was organized in Bucharest between 16 – 19 October 2019, being hosted by the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy. Scheduled for several days, the presentations covered a broad range of topics in this scientific field, from contributions to the mainstream research drives to specific approaches in combined sciences such as Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, IT and others. Conference papers underlined the strong level of integration and contribution of the Romanian astronomical research to the European scientific pool in data workflow, analysis and interpretation, prognosis, conceptual developments and updates regarding the contribution of Romania’s scientific infrastructure and its future evolution.

The conference program included a visit of the participants to ELI-NP facility in Măgurele ( Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics), the most advanced research facility in the world in the field of photonuclear physics and the largest investment ever made in scientific research in Romania.

"New Horizons in Space and Planetary Astrophysics. Honoring IAU 100" conference also touched the important aspect of education through science, underlining the educational dynamics which takes place at the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy with the involvement of AIRA’s professional astronomers, science teachers and historians, volunteers and nevertheless hundreds of visitors every year.

Bucharest Science Festival 2019

The Ninth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians - CRM9

Modelling in Astronomy (June 29 - July 3, 2019)

This session addresses recent developments in the field of astronomical modelling, from the population of near-Earth objects to the large scale structure of galaxies. The presentations will focus on the newest results in the modelling of physical processes involved in planetary sciences, including solar eruptive phenomena and the complex interactions between solar wind and earth magnetosphere. The risks evaluated by ESA’s Space Situational Awareness programme - Near Earth Objects, Space Weather and Space Surveillance and Tracking - are amongst the topics of this special session. In the field of celestial mechanics, new types of potentials are approached from the standpoint of global flow and orbits stability.

Astronomy of the Ancients. From Stonehenge to Mayan Pyramids

Yael Naze will be presenting "Astronomy of the Ancients. From Stonehenge to Mayan Pyramids " on June 4, 2019 at the Ion Heliade Rădulescu's Romanian Academy Library Aula. Dr. Yael Naze, astrophysicist at the Liege University in Belgium, will focus on explaining astronomy as seen through time targeting a large audience of various people from high-school students to scientist.

Geoscience Day

On May 31, 2019, the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy organized under the auspices of EGU along with "Sabba S. Ștefănescu" Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy the "Geoscience Day". The event took place in the Aula of the Romanian Academy in the presence of more than 150 people. The audience was formed by researchers, university professors, PhD. and Master Students, undergrad and high-school students. All these people work and study in the Earth, planetary and space sciences field, as well as related fields.
The event aimed to connect Romanian researchers from all over the world and future researchers and students in the GeoSciences related fields.

Recent Developments in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences - ZAC 2019

In the frame of the Academic Days 2019, Recent Developments in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences international conference will be organized between 27 - 29 May 2019 at Cluj Observatory by the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, the Cluj-Napoca Branch - Astronomical Observatory, Romanian National Committee of Astronomy and Babeș-Bolyai University. Email addresses for registration and abstract submission (presentation/poster title, short abstract) are apop (at) academia-cj.ro și vladturcu(at)yahoo.com. Deadline for registration is May 10, 2019.

International Conference on Astronomy and Space Science "Solar System studies from the ground to in-situ observations" (Bucharest, 24-25 September 2018)

The Conference gave an overview of scientific activities on Astronomy and Astrophysics of our Solar System, in terms of on-road projects and tendencies of nowadays science. The topic of this meeting addressed the current and emerging projects, either for ground based observations (telescopes, detectors) or from space (nanosatellites, tests and integration of components on spacecrafts. The scientists who attended the conference also discussed about Gaia and Proba 3 missions, nanosatelites projects, observing surveys and network activities.

Outlook in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences - ZAC 2018

The Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy, Babeș-Bolyai University and the Romanian Space Agency are organising an international conference between May 17 - 19 ”Outlook in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space and Planetary Sciences”. Email addresses for registration and abstract submission (presentation/poster title, short abstract) are apop (at) academia-cj.ro și vladturcu(at)yahoo.com. Deadline for registration is May 7, 2018.

Astronomy of the Ancients. From Stonehenge to Mayan Pyramids
"Les journées de l'espace" 2019
Romanian and French scientists and guests at the International Conference on Astronomy and Space Science (Bucharest, 24-25 September 2018)

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