37 Vavilova St.
Moscow 117312, Russia

Head of Nonlinear Analysis Department of the Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Head of Analysis Department of the University of Podlasie Ul. Orlicz-Dreszera 19/21
08-110 Siedlce, Poland

1. Born in:  Slobozia Mare, Ismail county, Romania, on 20 January 1932

2. Studies:

Romanian high school: Cahul, Republic of Moldova, 1949;

MSc: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Astronomy

Lomonosov University, Moscow, 1954;

PhD: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Astronomy

Lomonosov University, Moscow, 1957

3. Left Romania in:
After the political events of 1940 and 1944,
I became citizen of the USSR. I left Bassarabia (Republic of Moldova) in 1949 to continue my studies in Moscow.

4. Some personal data:
I married Valentina Matov (who is working since 1958 in the Section of Astrometry of the "Sternberg" Institute, Moscow) in 1958. I have three
sons: Andrei, Alexandru, and Victor, who graduated from the "Lomonosov" University in Moscow (Andrei - the Faculty of Geology; the other two -
the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Mathematics).

5. Relatives still living in Romania?
No. My father, Alexandru Grebenicov (1898-1941), born and dead at Cahul, was an orthodox priest. My mother, Dana Grebenicov (1899-1966), was born
in Dobrodja, near Galati, and dead in Kishinew. She graduated from the Normal School of Galati approximately in 1916-1918, and worked all her
life in Bassarabia. She was a school-mistress for 42 years.

6. The most important works:

I published 22 monographs and more that 200 scientific papers.
My researches cover the domain of the analytic and qualitative problems of celestial mechanics and applied mathematics. More concretely: the generalized problem of two fixed centres, and the asymptotic theory of  multi-frequency (resonant) O.D.E., which is a constructive continuation of Bogolyubov - Krylov theory. These equations are the basic equations in many domains, as: celestial mechanics, cosmic geodesy, nuclear physics, gyroscopy, etc.

Some monographs:

E. A. Grebenikov, Yu. A. Ryabov: "New Qualitative Methods of Celestial Mechanics", Nauka, Moscow, 1971, 432 p. (Russian).

V. G. Abalakin, E. P. Aksyonov, E. A. Grebenikov, V. G. Dyomin, Yu. A. Ryabov: "Handbook of Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics" 2nd edition, Nauka, Moscow, 1971, 854 p. (Russian).

E. A. Grebenikov, Yu. A. Ryabov: "Resonances and Small Divisors in Celestial Mechanics", Nauka, Moscow, 1979, 200 p. (Russian).

E. Grebenikov, Yu. Ryabov: "Constructive Methods of Nonlinear Analysis", Mir, Moscow, 1983, 360 p.

E. Grebenikov, Ju. Ryabov: "Metoda usrednienia w mechanice nieliniowej", PAN Publishing House, Warsaw, 1983, 630 p.

E. A. Grebenikov: "Averaging Method in Applicative problems", Nauka, Moscow, 1986, 240 p. (Russian).

E. A. Grebenikov, Yu. A. Mitropolskij, Yu. A. Ryabov: "Introduction to Resonant Analytic Dynamics", Janus-K Publishing House, Moscow, 1999, 321
p. (Russian).

E. A. Grebenikov: "Nicolaus Copernic", Nauka, Moscow, 1973, 160 p. (Russian).

The latter book was translated in ten languages (in Romanian in 1975).

7. Scientific membership:
- member of the Mathematical Society of Moscow since 1960;
- member of the IAU since 1968;
- member of the Russian Society of Mechanics since 1974;
- honorary member of the Academy of Republic of Moldova since 1991;
- member of the Academy of Astronautics since 1995

8. Other information:
- USSR State Prize in Science (1971);
- USSR Government Prize (1983);
- Krylov Prize in Mathematics of the Ukrainian Academy (1998).
I was the scientific advisor for more than 40 PhD's. My students are working in many countries (Israel, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, USA, etc.

My name was assigned to an asteroid: 4268 Grebenikov.